Refund Policy for Tickets on GoFan

  • Updated

Cancelled or rescheduled events

If an event is cancelled, the school or association managing the event can choose to issue refunds.  Once the event cancellation is finalized by them in our system, refund notices will be processed automatically.

GoFan is not able to process refunds for cancelled events. Please look out for communication from your school about cancelled event refunds.

Tickets for rescheduled events remain valid.

See our guide How to Use Tickets for Events for further information on event cancellations or changes.


GoFan maintains a strict no-refund policy as defined in our Terms of Use.

Sales from tickets, whether the tickets were used or not, belong to the organizing School or Association of the event.

If you have an incorrect charge, unauthorized purchase, or other extenuating circumstance in which you cannot use your ticket, please use the Chat in the lower-right corner of this page (or under More > More Resources in the GoFan mobile app) to engage with Customer Service.

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Can't use your tickets? Transfer them!

If you cannot use your tickets, you always have the option to transfer them to someone else. For complete details and instructions, see our guide How to Transfer Tickets for Events. If you have a mobile pass, see our article How to Buy, Use, and Transfer Mobile Passes.

Tickets cannot be transferred to different events. 

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